Category: About Us
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In her book, Thinking in Systems (2008), Donella Meadows describes how "systems thinking transcends disciplines...:" and applications for environmentalism. Attribution of Art: By Marcel Douwe Dekker - Self-made, based on an own standard and Pierre Malotaux (1985), "Constructieleer van de menselijke samenwerking", in BB5 Collegedictaat TU Delft, pp. 120-147., CC BY 3.0,


Our system for conducting reviews includes: 1) a national directory of public notices of comment periods for environmental projects, 2) examples of our work 3) links to documents available for review online, 4) a volunteer network of reviewers 5) a document management system on the cloud 6) educational resources,  7) a volunteer recruiting program, and 8) press releases. Additional details follow:

1) National Directory of Public Comment Periods: On the top left side of this view click the "Directory of State Public Comment Periods" button to pull up current notices on the states' level. The types of projects we are interested in involve air quality, air pollution, water quality, water pollution, drinking water quality, soil cleanup, endangered species, wildlife and ecological management plans, development plans with environmental concerns and so forth. See also our directories for federal and international public comment periods.

2) Examples of our Work: All of our work is shown on this website for public viewing. To see comments we have submitted to governmental agencies, and their responses, click on states on the left side of this view where we have provided comments (Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Delaware...). Eventually we will provide comments in all states.

3) Links to Documents Available for Review: The Notices of Public Comment Periods typically have links to documents available for review which have been prepared by consultants and governmental agencies.

4) Volunteer Network of Environmental Reviewers: We have three levels of reviewers: Senior Reviewer, Project Manager, and Environmental Reviewer. Each reviewer is free to select whatever type of project interests them the most. Our document management system on the cloud allows us to conduct collaborative reviews in support of our team structure and displays profiles of our team members.

5) Document Management System: We use OnlyOffice, a document management system on the cloud which has features for uploading documents we want to review, drafting comments, and managing projects and collaborative reviews.

6) Educational Resources: Articles discussing how we conduct our reviews are available for review on the upper left side of this view. An independent study program for college students is under development.

7) Volunteer Opportunities: Click on "About Us" on the upper left side of this view for more information about volunteer opportunities.

8) Press Releases: To see those, click on "Press Releases" on the upper left side of this view. In addition to news organizations, we may submit these articles to government officials, environmental organizations, and science clubs for colleges and high schools to foster community involvement.